Malek’s Melts Tally Mon Live Rosin Geode Review

Team TerpGuide was genuinely impressed with this jar of Tally Mon—from top notch flavor and mouthfeel to picturesque cold cure and jam textures. The high and experience matched the quality in other areas, leading to an excellent experience scoop after scoop. It even held its own during its rotation in the stash and was reached for just as frequently as other well known traditional market brands. While they offer these Geodes in 1 and 2 gram increments, this Tally Mon is worth the splurge for the larger offering! Zero hints of throat burn, no contaminate visible under a macro lens, just good clean medicine – it truly deserves the TerpGuide Headstash designation in our opinion.
The Geode is Malek’s take on the Thumbprint style created by The Real Cannabis Chris. Both utilize an outer ring of cold cure live rosin with an inner pool of live rosin jam. This 2 gram Geode contains Tally Mon for both the cold cure and jam portions, but they also offer mixtures of two different cultivars. Malek’s recognizable pink packaging extends over to the Black POP-VAC jars used here, with a holographic logo top sticker and pink side wrap. The “flavor first” slogan adorns the side wrap in a desaturated Tiffany blue that really pops on the jar.
The Tally Mon jam carefully balances across the slack line with its great crystalline structure and wet, terpene-rich sauce. This allowed for me to easily portion out how much cold cure and how much jam I wanted in the mix with each dab. Likewise, the cold cure Tally Mon doesn’t disappoint in the texture arena either with great bounce and color. It’s hard to ask for more when I feel like both texture variations hit all their respective marks!

Woah, this is an interesting selection of Tally Mon/ Tallyman! I’m inclined to believe the jam and cold cure combination amplifies the overall aroma, as I’ve found most quality jams have a stronger scent than their cold cured counterparts. Quite complex and different when compared to, say, Allgreen’s selection of Tally Mon, which gives me a more tropical fruit vibe with hints of coconut sun tan lotion. However, this selection chosen by Malek’s leans much heavier on the Banana OG and Dosidos heritage than the Papaya side of the family tree. Bananas a day or two overripe on the front half, similar to the banana flavored Runts candy without the sugaryness. Which is followed by a splash of white grape yet finished with earthy dank undertones and a sharp, papaya-esque cleaner note that opens your sinuses a bit. Sometimes you pop the seal, smell the jar and slightly recoil your head, other times you find yourself leaning closer in to smell deeper instead.
Mode of Consumption
I found myself mainly consuming this Geode through my glass rig with two different quartz nails for different purposes. The profile and balance of flavors shifts as the temperature across the nail cools, providing for a wider range of flavors compared to fixed temperature setting on my Puffco Peak Pro. The jam and cold cure combination suits a wider dab tool like the Puffco Hot Knife or Focus V Saber versus say a flathead screwdriver shaped dab tool. The wider surface area allowed for easier portioning of each texture and less tool balancing to avoid a dropped dab. Through my quartz/rig combo I found around 520°F to be the sweet spot of flavor and vapor production, but I preferred 480°F on the Peak Pro with 3DXL chamber for that same balance. If you’re not familiar with the optimal dabbing temperatures, I highly recommend reading this article.
Flavors & Mouthfeel
Very accurate aroma to flavor translation here, with the banana notes taking more of the forefront in the flavor department. Each dab starts with a choice of cold cure to jam ratio, with my personal favorite being the 50/50 mix. The even mix provides a great layering of notes, as the jam highlights different flavors in the balance than the cold cure. The danker, earthier notes are present, but don’t hang on the palate the same way the fruit notes do, giving that stronger banana flavor presence when dabbing. Really the only hints I get of the Papaya lineage come from the funky cleaner-esque finish that tickles the sinuses and amplifies the lingering fruit notes in your mouth.
After consuming, I felt it coming in quite quickly as I was still cleaning my quartz. Interestingly it doesn’t feel like a rush of effects, but the next thing I knew I’d been lost in my thoughts for ten plus minutes completely uplifted. I totally stopped writing this review and was fully distracted until I snapped into the present after an indeterminate amount of time. It wasn’t the best for my focus, yet it’s great for motivation and sparking desire to accomplish a goal or task. The first thirty minutes or so I relinquished control and let my interests and mind take me where they would, usually while jamming to music. I let the rush of curiosity and energy flow through me without judgment, then moved forward with my goals and tasks I have planned afterwards.
Due to this mixture with my ADHD, I find this cultivar best reserved for afternoon or evening usage. When it’s my first dose of the day, the distractibility factor can severely hamper my timeliness and ability to stay on task. However for less structured time-sensitive work, such as art, creative work, or problem solving these effects can be quite a boon. The body stone was relaxing and chill, making it easier to deal with joint and back pain. I really loved this one for watching movies or a long gaming session where I can zone in and lose track of time.