Olio Passion Fruit Traditional Rosin Gummies Review

Olio’s Passion Fruit Traditional Rosin Gummies are a treat for those seasoned stoners that appreciate an infused fruit gummy with a subtle yet complementary hashy profile. Colored and flavored with fruits and vegetables, these edibles are vegan plus they’re perfectly sweetened with a passion fruit flavor that is real and delicious. Whether edibles are a regular product in your rotation or not, these are a great and high quality option to try. Olio’s Gummies are especially awesome if you’re one that’s not easily impacted by edibles, but you want to be.
Packaging, Scent, & Appearance
These gummies come packaged in an Olio-branded sleek black mylar bag with a print that gives wild jungle vibes. As you open the bag, the scent that wafts out is natural and real, devoid of any artificial undertones.
Examining the edibles themselves, you'll find consistency in their size, as each gummy is perfectly shaped. However, upon closer inspection, you may notice that some of the Olio faces on the gummies have slight distortions or deformities. While this may be seen as a flaw, I find that these unique imperfections add a touch of character and handcrafted charm to the edibles.

Amount Consumed
Considering my high tolerance and the fact that edibles typically don't noticeably affect me, I opted to challenge the norm and took five gummies from the 10-gummy package. Each piece contains approximately 10 mg of THC, resulting in a total consumption of 50 mg THC. Knowing the doses of my previous edibles encounters, I felt comfortable evaluating the potency and effectiveness of these edibles by pushing the boundaries of the suggested dosage. I wouldn’t recommend taking 50 mg of these if you haven’t taken 50 mg before, though, as the effects can be intense and long-lasting. By taking a higher dose, I aimed to experience a more pronounced effect and thoroughly assess the quality and impact of the product.
As previously mentioned, the passion fruit flavor that Olio crafted these gummies with is refreshingly natural. The deeper you chew, the tangy bitterness from the rosin emerges and stays on your tongue as you swallow the gummy. There is no skunkyness to these, it’s really just a hashy richness that tastes ripe, fresh, and of course fruity. Eating these gummies leaves a tangy taste in your mouth with a hint of hash, which does last for quite a while. The overall flavor and sweetness is mouthwatering and extremely balanced.

Texture & Mouthfeel
The gummies hold a tacky and jelly-like texture, soft to the touch, and will leave a sticky spot if sitting on a surface for more than a few minutes. When you bite into them, you'll notice a slight bounce accompanied by a sense of density, making them substantial without being overly firm. The gummies don't get stuck in your teeth like some chewy candies might. They provide a satisfying bite that is effortless, allowing you to fully savor the flavors.
I ate the five gummies at around 8:00 AM on a day that I had very little to do. It took about 20 minutes to feel the initial effects, which included feeling comfortable and sinking into the couch. As time passed, I found myself lying horizontally to begin writing this with a floating sensation coming on. After about 45 minutes, I started to feel sleepy and heavy but never fell asleep. My eyes and mouth got dry, so I decided to drink some water. I had planned to go to the grocery store for a couple of things that day, so I decided to head that way despite taking 50 mg of gummies. Arriving at the store was an awakening in the sense that seeing and interacting with people was awkward. I then realized that the gummies were really kicking in and I was getting high.
It wasn’t until about 10:00 AM that I started to feel some heavy munchies set in. I made myself some snacks and got cozy on the couch. These munchies didn’t go away until mid afternoon when I started to come down from the dose. The most notable effect that I felt from these gummies though, was the sense of physical numbness, specifically in the neck and upper back area. I first noticed this around the time when I was at the store and it lasted almost the entire time. While Olio’s Passion Fruit Traditional Rosin Gummies may not be great if you have a long to-do list, I could see these gummies working very well for someone who has trouble sleeping due to certain pain.